Enhance Your Journey with Enterprise-Grade Support

Discover the power of our Open Source Support Bundle,
your gateway to worry-free self-hosted deployment.

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5000+ Developers have already deployed Memphis

Top 5 Justifications for Acquiring the Support Bundle

Enhanced Reliability

An open-source support bundle ensures that you have a dedicated team to provide timely support, improving the reliability and availability of your self-hosted deployment.

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Faster Issue Resolution

Gain access to expert assistance, reducing downtime by quickly resolving issues and bugs.

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Peace of Mind

You will have professional assistance and a safety net in case of unexpected issues.

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Cost Savings

While there's an initial cost associated with a support bundle, it can lead to long-term cost savings by preventing costly downtime and ensuring efficient use of the software.

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Vendor Accountability

By purchasing a support bundle, you hold the vendor accountable for the ongoing success of your deployment.

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Loved by developers

Fred Simon
Chief Data Scientist // JFrog

The user experience and management tools allow different data stakeholders to collaborate over the pipelines.

David Mytton
Founder // console.dev

All that time you spend scaling, managing, and maintaining Kafka is better spent building your actual product. Memphis frees you to do just that.

Guy Podjarny
Founder // Snyk

Fits perfectly for microservices architecture and cloud-native environments.

Arjun Anjaria
Head of Data // Tiqets

Memphis gives you all the benefits of a traditional message broker minus all the deployment and operational overhead.

Tal Goldberg
Sr. Software Engineer // Palo Alto Networks

Async communication between microservices = use Memphis.

Carlos Gasperi
Software Engineer // Abnormal Security

I didn't realize working with a message broker could be pleasant until I came across Memphis.

Maxime de Streel
Cloud Engineer // Dstny

This is the simple and effective solution I was seeking—a solution that just works without needing too much attention.

Ran Ribenzaft
CTO // Epsagon (Cisco)

Message brokers are the core of the modern organization. Finally, I enjoy working with one.

Daniel Eliyahu
Sr. Software Engineer

Less troubleshooting time. At least 50% of my time got back to me.

Ariel Bar
Sr.Software Engineer

It helped me build microservices-based data pipelines.

Judd Misael Baguio
Sr. Software Engineer // Penbrothers

I used NATS before when I try to implement event-driven side projects but Memphis made it better because of the dashboard UI and it really helped me debug the flow of my messages that were sent.

Marcelo Okano
CEO // OKN Group

Easy to install and run, very fast, an excellent alternative to Kafka.


It has everything I ever wanted for async processing

Fred Simon
Chief Data Scientist // JFrog

The user experience and management tools allow different data stakeholders to collaborate over the pipelines.

David Mytton
Founder // console.dev

All that time you spend scaling, managing, and maintaining Kafka is better spent building your actual product. Memphis frees you to do just that.

Guy Podjarny
Founder // Snyk

Fits perfectly for microservices architecture and cloud-native environments.

Arjun Anjaria
Head of Data // Tiqets

Memphis gives you all the benefits of a traditional message broker minus all the deployment and operational overhead.

Tal Goldberg
Sr. Software Engineer // Palo Alto Networks

Async communication between microservices = use Memphis.

Carlos Gasperi
Software Engineer // Abnormal Security

I didn't realize working with a message broker could be pleasant until I came across Memphis.

Maxime de Streel
Cloud Engineer // Dstny

This is the simple and effective solution I was seeking—a solution that just works without needing too much attention.

Ran Ribenzaft
CTO // Epsagon (Cisco)

Message brokers are the core of the modern organization. Finally, I enjoy working with one.

Daniel Eliyahu
Sr. Software Engineer

Less troubleshooting time. At least 50% of my time got back to me.

Ariel Bar
Sr.Software Engineer

It helped me build microservices-based data pipelines.

Judd Misael Baguio
Sr. Software Engineer // Penbrothers

I used NATS before when I try to implement event-driven side projects but Memphis made it better because of the dashboard UI and it really helped me debug the flow of my messages that were sent.

Marcelo Okano
CEO // OKN Group

Easy to install and run, very fast, an excellent alternative to Kafka.


It has everything I ever wanted for async processing

Ready to elevate your open-source experience?