What is the difference between SQS vs RabbitMQ vs Memphis?
Avatar Idan Asulin
Apr 16, 2023
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What is the difference between RabbitMQ vs ZeroMQ vs Memphis?
Avatar Idan Asulin
Apr 16, 2023
10 11 12
What is the difference between Kafka vs ZeroMQ vs Memphis?
Avatar Yaniv Ben Hemo
Apr 16, 2023
2 3 4
What is the difference between Azure Event Hub vs Kafka vs Memphis?
Avatar Idan Asulin
Apr 16, 2023
5 6 7
How does ActiveMQ vs RabbitMQ vs Kafka vs Memphis work?
Avatar Idan Asulin
Apr 16, 2023
7 8 9
What is ActiveMQ vs IBM MQ vs Memphis?
Avatar Yaniv Ben Hemo
Apr 16, 2023
3 4 5
What is IBM MQ?
Avatar Yaniv Ben Hemo
Apr 16, 2023
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What is an mq server?
Avatar Idan Asulin
Apr 16, 2023
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How does mq messaging take place?
Avatar Idan Asulin
Apr 16, 2023
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How to change the number of replicas of a Kafka topic?
4 5 6
Memphis Approach

If you want to increase the number of replicas of a Kafka topic, here’s what you need to do. 

First, specify the replicas in a reassignment JSON file. For instance, you can create a JSON file called increase-replicas.json and add the following content to it:



{“topic”: “signals”, “partition”: 0, “replicas”: [0,1,2]}, 

{“topic”: “signals”, “partition” :1, “replicas”: [0,1,2]},


Next, use the file with the kafka-reassign-partitions (or kafka-reassign-partitions.sh depending on the package) tool, specifically with the –execute option. Here’s how that command will look:

kafka-reassign-partitions –zookeeper localhost:2181 –reassignment-json-file increase-replicas.json –execute 

Finally, use the kafka-topics (or kafka-topics.sh) tool to verify the replication factor. For that, do:

kafka-topics –zookeeper localhost:2181 –topic signals –describe 

Memphis Approach

At the moment, Memphis does not support multiple partitions. Partitions will be available in the coming versions.