What is the difference between SQS vs RabbitMQ vs Memphis?
Avatar Idan Asulin
Apr 16, 2023
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What is the difference between RabbitMQ vs ZeroMQ vs Memphis?
Avatar Idan Asulin
Apr 16, 2023
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What is the difference between Kafka vs ZeroMQ vs Memphis?
Avatar Yaniv Ben Hemo
Apr 16, 2023
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What is the difference between Azure Event Hub vs Kafka vs Memphis?
Avatar Idan Asulin
Apr 16, 2023
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How does ActiveMQ vs RabbitMQ vs Kafka vs Memphis work?
Avatar Idan Asulin
Apr 16, 2023
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What is ActiveMQ vs IBM MQ vs Memphis?
Avatar Yaniv Ben Hemo
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What is IBM MQ?
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Avatar Idan Asulin
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Avatar Idan Asulin
Apr 16, 2023
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Is there a way to purge the topic in Kafka?
3 4 5
Memphis Approach

To purge the topic in Kakfa, you can use kafka-configs –entity-type topics. Here’s what it’ll look like:

kafka-configs.sh –zookeeper <zkhost>:2181 –entity-type topics –alter –entity-name <topic name> –add-config retention.ms=1000

Depending on the topic size, you might have to wait for a bit for the purge to complete. But once it’s done, you’ll have to restore the previous value for retention.ms.

Memphis Approach

Purging stations is pretty easy in Memphis. In addition to the SDK, you can use the trash icon inside the GUI or if you’re using the CLI, you can run the following command:

$ mem station del mystation